You can access the Product EO Access Request Listing Page Form Management Page Menu in your Dashboard as Shown below:
In this page user will see all Access Requests that Created by him to Received or received by him if the user is Economic Operator Representative or Notified Body RepresentativeEO representative or NB representative (so that the user can take action on whether to approve/reject the request).
EO Access Request Listing Page
Access Request Details Page for Requests Received by user for his accessible records
User can Approve / Reject the Access Requests for his own records as shown belowEO Representative of the EO for which access is requested or NB representative of any of the NB managing the EO profile can approve/rejected the request.
Also User can Undo the approved requests as shown below
The Edit form will be displayed and after updating your Information click on “Edit Request” button to save your updated information as shown below