Search according to the committee Code or the name of the committee.
List of classifications and it contains four main classifications (general - conformity - Standards - metrology). Within each classification, the committees appear within two groups: the general and steering committees group, and the technical committees group.
Committee Code.
Name of the committee.
The number of members in this committee.
Committee members and their representatives
By clicking on any committee from the committee listing page, the user will move to the committee details page, which shows the committee's field of work and a list of members according to the bodies they represent.
The name of the committee and the field of work of the committee.
To join the committee click on “+ Join this committee” then log in or create a new account.
Presentation of committee members according to the bodies they represent.
View the member's profile.
Sub-committees and the number of members of each committee.
Return to the committees list on the home page.