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Only Notified Body Representative User can Add New Products.

You can access the Product Listing Page Form Management Page Menu in your Dashboard as Shown below:


Product Listing Page

In this page you will see the list of products you are allowed to view.

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Click on .


In this Page you can Filter by the Following:

  • Filter by ( product tracking no, name, model and brand ).

  • Filter by Selecting the Economic Operator from drop down list, You will see an Archived icon next to Economic Operator name to inform you that economic operator is Archived.

  • Filter by EO Roles (Manufacturer - Importer - Factory).

  • Filter by Products Status include ( All Products - New Products - Updated Products ).

Adding New Product

To Add New Product Click on "Add New Product" button at end of the page as shown below:


By clicking on Add New Product you will redirect to " Add New Product " to create new product and fill the form.

The first part of the form is the product details:

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Select the economic operator then form as shown below:

  • The First Part is Related to Product Details:


– Auto-completion support for Product name and Brand, also user can Enter any Product/Brand name outside the List.

– HS code field has a list of HS Codes covered in GSO Technical Regulation, but you can type any 8 digit number outside from that list.

– Image Publishing Date will allow the user to provide a different date to publish the Product Images.

  • The Second Part is Related to Main Economic Operator:

    Main Economic Operator List selectable from the list of all Economic Operators - but user can select only those Economic Operator records which they own. This is differentiated by providing a star against the Economic Operator as shown below:


Also The Economic Operator will be ordered by Highest Rank as you see in Blue badge.

The following Information will be Available for each EO in lookup:

  • EO Number.

  • EO Name.

  • Country.

  • Number of Links.

  • City.

  • Registration Number (CR Number).

The NB representative user should specify the Notified Body managing the product. (the list of Notified Body will be based on the Notified Bodies for which the user is a representative) as show below:


After Selecting the economic operator select its role (manufacturer or importer) if the EO Economic Operator main location is outside GSO member states, then he can't be an importer.

HS code field has a list of HS Codes covered in GSO Technical Regulation, but you can type any 8 digit number outside from that list.



In Case the Economic Operator is Archived you will see " Archived " Word Next to Economic Operator name in drop down list as showing below:



If User tried to create a product using archived economic operator the system will prevent saving and Alert will display as shown below:


  • The Third part is related to product models and families:

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Maximum Models Can user add is 500 Models.

Each model should be entered separately without any extra text.


If you have a very long list of models, click on "Add Multiple Models" and past the list of models, one in each line, we will break this text into multiple models, but any notes you have to enter manually one by one.

  • The last part of the form is the


  • Factories:

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Select any of the locations related to the main EO location selected in the beginning of the form. You can select the main location itself as a manufacturing location.

Distributing locations should be in GSO member countries only and it is optional right now.

Manufacturing locations are mandatory if the EO role is a manufacturer.


Factories are the economic operator which manufacture the product. They can be same as that of the Main Economic Operator or can be any one from among the economic operators.


In case user tried to Save the Product using Archived Factories the system will prevent saving and Alert will display as shown below:


After filling the Creation form Click Add Product, you will be forwarded to the product details page.

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product Details Page

Basic Details

First section you can see that the product a GCTS generated, this will stay constant no matter how many certificates of conformity was issued for it.the Basic Details about your Product as shown below:


Product Models and Product Images

Below the product basic details section, you will see a section for product models and another for product images.Image Removed


Click on the button to upload a new image(s) and select the classification of the images, which should be one of the following:

  • General

  • Front

  • Side

  • Rear

  • Label

  • Trademark

  • Packaging

and with every image you need to specify the models that the images apply to, press control (Ctrl) button and click to select multiple models, you can press Ctrl+A to select all models.Image Removed


In the model's table, you will see a column shows the image classes uploaded for each model.

Main Economic Operator and Factories

In this section you will find the Main Economic operator information and it's Role.

Also you will find the Factories and their locations.



Scroll down in the product details page to see the certificates section, from here you can create type approval conformity certificates for the product if the role of the Economic Operator is a manufacturer.


Notified Body


You can see also the notified body managing this product.

If Economic Operator is not managed by Notified Body then the Economic Operator user has to assign the product to an NB. Economic Operator user, in this case, can also un-assign the certificate section product from Notified Body if no certificate is published, in-progress or suspended.

Audit Details

In this section you will show audit information.


Product Logs

In this Section you will be able to Comment on this product and also if any change happen to the product you can see this changes in logs section.




This actions will be Available for Notified Body Representatives only.

  1. To edit the Product Details by clicking on this button you will redirect to Product Creation Form.

  2. Locking the product details will prevent Economic Operator users from editing it. Notified Body users will still be able to edit locked products details according to their privileges; if the product has a published certificate only Notified Body user with revise privilege will be able to edit, When locking a product all Economic Operator factories related to the product will be locked from editing also.

  3. To add New Product.