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You can assess the Gulf Economic Operator Directory from the top menu in your dashboard as shown below:

Gulf Economic Operators Directory

In this Page the logged in user can see all the economic operators registered.

If the user is Economic Operator representative  or representative of the Notified Body assigned to Economic Operator, then they can view additional information regarding Economic Operator Role.

  1. User can Filter the search result by:

In This page you can see the Following:

Create an Economic Operator Profile

From Economic Operator Listing Page Click on "Add New Economic Operator" at the bottom of the page.

The Add New Economic Operator form will display as shown below:

After Filling the Mandatory Data Please click SAVE

The User will Redirect to Economic Operator Listing page and the New Economic Record will Display.

Economic Operator Details Page

You can access the Economic Operator Details Page by clicking on the Economic Operator name as shown below:

By Clicking on Economic Operator Name you will redirect to Economic Operator Details Page as shown below:

Assign Economic Operator to Notify Body

You can assign to Notified Body from Economic Operator Details Page.

Economic Operator Authorized Users

The creator of the Economic Operator record is also auto-added among the Economic Operator users list.

You can add more users to Economic Operator users list to give them access to the Economic Operator related records (including products and certificates), you can control if any user receives email notifications when a certificate is approved/rejected from here also.