GCC Standardization Organization | e-Services Documentation
Home Page
The Home page shows the different sections of the system, which can be classified as follows:
Public pages: any visitor can view them and do not require a login and include:
GSO Committees: A list of all committees, including main and sub-committees, working groups, and the field of work for each of them and their members.
GSO Partners: A list of the entities that are members of these committees, such as the national standardization bodies and other Gulf organizations.
Experts: a list of representatives of the entities participating in the Gulf committees.
Privileged Pages: the below pages depends on the visitor's privilege and membership, and include:
Documents: A list of committees' documents classified into folders with the ability to search them. Some of these documents are for committee members only and some are general, which anyone can view.
Messages: These are the posts of the members of the committees from correspondence with their attachments and responses.
Peers: a list of the committee members with their contact information.
Memberships: the user’s membership data in the various committees.