Harmonized Standards
For Public Users:
For public (Not Privileged) users you will be able to view the listing of Technical Regulations as shown below
Technical Regulations available in Notification System:
G-Mark LVD
G-Mark Toys
Bahrain AC EER
Oman LVD
Click on “View Harmonized Standards” to view all standards related to selected technical regulations
Below is Standards related to technical regulations
is this page you can do the following action:
Download Guidance for related Technical Regulations.
Filter the Standards by Category and Scope.
For Privileged Users:
If you have the management privileges, you should see the below screen with two more option:
View Categories and Scopes.
Manage Harmonized Standards.
Manage Harmonized Standards
Click on “Manage Harmonized Standards“ to view the standards list as shown below
The page above will show all harmonized standards for all technical regulation, you can filter the list by:
Search (Title, Source, Reference).
Specific Technical Regulation.
Specific Scope and Category.
The list will show the standard status (Active, Published, …) as it is in the source.
When filer by Technical Regulations more information will be display as shown below
The validity of the standard to be used on certificates of conformity is determined by the other status under the publish date which can take Three values:
Valid: If no valid until date is specified.
Valid until x: if the valid until date is set to x.
Invalid since x : if valid until date is Expired.
You can click on the info icon to see other details as below:
When we have multiple editions for any standard you will see the + sign before the reference and by clicking on it you can see previous editions:
Add New Standard
Click on “Add New Standard” to see the add a new standard or a new edition for any existing standard.
You can lookup standards from different sources or select others for manual entry.
After you lookup the standard you can go to Technical Regulation tab in same form as shown below
In the above screen you can do the following Actions:
Mark the Technical Regulations to be linked with the selected Standard.
Set the valid until date or leave it empty.
Hide/show the standard for public and notified bodies.
Add a special note to be show like below:
If standard you need to add is not available in sources available, you can select others and provide all the details as below and be careful about two points:
Type the undated reference properly so that the system can group multiple revisions with the same undated reference together
Updating the standard status whenever new updates are available.
Edit Standard
To Edit Standards go to Manage Standard listing page and click on “Edit” button for the standard you want to edit as shown below
You can edit standards from known sources only to change:
The linked Technical Regulations.
Its validity date.
Hide it so that it no more used.
Add a special note.
If the standard source is other you can change all details except the reference as shown below
Delete Standard
From Manage Harmonized Listing page click on “Remove” button for that standard you want to Remove as shown below
Please remove all linked Technical Regulations before deleting any Standards.
Add New Category
You can reach this page from the technical regulations listing page or from the link in the bottom of the harmonized standards list as shown below
From Technical Regulation listing Page:
Click “View Categories & Scopes” for any of the Listed TR as shown below
From harmonized standards listing page:
Click on the link in the bottom of the harmonized standards list as shown below
You can Add a new category by clicking on “Add New Category & Scope” and select “Add new Category” as shown below
The add form will display as shown below after enter the Category English & Arabic Names click on “Add Category” button to save the New Category Information.
Edit Category
You can Edit Category be clicking on Edit icon for that category as shown below
Edit Category for will appear as shown below
Editing a category name will not affect certificates which used the old name!
Delete Category
Should Remove all Scopes under the Category to be able to Delete the Category
The delete icon will appear only if there is no Scopes under this Category.
Add Scopes & Link with Standards & HS Codes
From Technical Regulation Listing Page click on “Add New Category & Scope”
The add form will be shown as below
In the above form you will be able to:
Select the Category for new Scope.
Enter Scope Name in English & Arabic.
Link Standards to Scope by selecting Standards from list.
HS Codes Related to That Scope.
After Filling the Adding form click on “Add Scope” button to save the New Scope.
You can click the + icon to see the scopes under each category.
Edit Scopes
You can Edit Scope be clicking on Edit icon for that Scope as shown below
Editing a scope will allow you to link/unlink the scope with harmonized standards and HS Codes.
Editing a scope name will not affect certificates which used the old name!
The scope is linked with the harmonized standards using the undated reference, because the link is applicable to all revisions of the standard.
Delete Scope
Should Remove all linked Standards and HS Codes to be able to Delete the Scope
The delete icon will appear only if there is no Linked Standards or HS Codes for this Scope.