Create New Folder/File

GCC Standardization Organization | e-Services Documentation

Create New Folder/File

Committee members can create new folders / files related to their committees, and this can be implemented through the following steps:

  1. From the main documents screen, click "+ Create New Folder / File".

  2. Form for creating a new folder / file, in which the following cells appear:
    o Committee: The committees in which the user is a member appear here.
    o Select Parent: If there is a main folder and you want to create a sub-folder, choose the folder from the list or leave it empty in case you want to create a main folder.
    o Choose a type (folder - file).
    o Name of the file / folder.
    o Title of the file / folder.
    o Security level: the user can choose the level of security and access to folders or files by choosing:
    o Default: This option is only available when selecting a Parent file/folder to apply the same level of security to the created folder / file.
    o General: All users can see the folder / file.
    o Members: This folder / file will only appear for only committee members.

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