Conformity Certificates Requests

GCC Standardization Organization | e-Services Documentation

Conformity Certificates Requests

Once you have an approved manufacturer profile, you can start filling your conformity certificates requests.

From the dashboard click on “+CCR Forms“ you will see the list of available forms depending on your manufacturer type.

CCR Forms Versions

The forms are versioned because the requirements change over time, next to each form you will see the version number and the release date. The “Release Notes” will show whats has been updated in the new version of the form, the column “Current” will indicate the current version and the “XML Upload” will indicate that this version is still acceptable in XML format, the “XML Schema” will prove a link to the XML schema file.

Online Forms

CCR data can be filled online by clicking on the form name, and this is available for the latest version of the form only. The system will generate the form based on the XML schema file and after saving, the data it will be validated against it first, then against other business rules defined in the system.


The Certificate form looks something like below:

The above is an example of a CCR for Motor Vehicles The forms for Tyres and Motorcycles are similar in appearance but with different fields.

After filling the form click Submit, the form data will be validated and validation errors will appear as below.


If no validation errors are there, you should see a success message with a link to view the certificate draft.

XML Upload

CCR data also can be provided in XML File that follows the rules defined the related XML Schema, and can be uploaded using the “Upload XML” form available in the bottom of the page.

When uploading an XML file you should select the type and version used in the file. Even though we keep accepting the older versions of the form in XML format, but we upgrade it to the latest version after upload, so you have to review the final certificate to make sure everything is entered as you expect.


The page to upload certificate XML can be reached from Manufacturer dashboard as shown below:

By clicking on “ + CCR Forms “ the user will redirect to CC Forms Page as shown below:

Each of the certificate type you are going to create has a schema or structure associated with it which we call as XSD. These XSD’s can be downloaded from the CCR Forms Page in the application. So, if you are a Vehicle Manufacturer you will be able to see XSDs only related to Vehicle and so on.

The uploading XML from includes:

  1. The Type of the XML Certificates ( it will be selected by default depending on the Manufacturer Account type ).

  2. The XML Certificates Version ( We keep accepting the older versions of the form in XML format, but we upgrade it to the latest version after upload, so you have to review the final certificate to make sure everything is entered as you expect ).

  3. Upload your Certificate XML.


The uploading of certificate XML file also follows the same process of

  1. validation of data.

  2. reporting of errors and Validations of this Errors.

  3. then on successful submission list the certificates created with a link to view the certificate detail.

Example for Error Reporting:

Example for Successful Submission:


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