Manage Certificates

GCC Standardization Organization | e-Services Documentation

Manage Certificates

You can access the Certificates page from Your Dashboard as shown below:

By Clicking on Certificates You will be redirect to the Certificates Listing Page as shown below:

  1. This is a breakup of certificates in different status and showing the count for each status.

  2. To access the CCR Form Page Conformity Certificates Requests .

  3. To Access the Test Report Page Manage Test Reports .

  4. To Create an invoice, this option will be disabled by default until the user select the Pending Certificate and click on Create invoice https://gcc-gso.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=CC&title=Invoice%2FBatch%20Creation&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=155418655 .

  5. Export to Excel button is used to Export the Certificates information into Excel file maximum 1000 Record.

  6. Types of filter that can be used to filter the Search Result, Including ( CCR Number - Type Information - Brand - Manufacturer Reference Number - Batch Number - Invoice Number ).

  7. Actions can be used as the following:

  • Copy/Renew : User can use this action to Renew the Certificates .

The certificate form will be filled with the same information from the selected certificate, so the manufacturer would only perform slight changes on the new CCR information and then submit it as a New Request, and this will not affect the old certificate.

Note: Certificates created from 2016 and onward are available for renewal or Copy.

  • Edit: To Edit the Pending and Reviewed Certificates only.

  • Delete: To Delete the Pending and Reviewed Certificates only.

  • View Certificate: To View your Certificate that you created.

  • View XML: To View the Certificate as XML form.

  • Test Reports: To link the Test report into your Certificates.

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