Participate The ILC

GCC Standardization Organization | e-Services Documentation

Participate The ILC

In this Page will show how the Participant can Participate the ILC


  1. From ILC Details Page the Participant will see “Participate this ILC” Button in the bottom of the page as shown below


  2. By clicking on “Participate this ILC” Button the Participate form will be displayed as shown below

    The Participant will fill the following information:

    - Select Participant Type - can be (Pilot - Co-Pilot - Participant).
    - KCrV - this option will display only if the Comparison Type is Key Comparison.
    - Measurement Duration - The Days for each Participant to doing his Measurements within this dates.
    - Participant will Select his Preferred Start Date and Preferred End Date.
    - Select the Participant institute name.
    - Select Representative User.
    - Read and Accept the Terms and Conditions by mark the checkbox below the terms and conditions table.

    After filling the Participate form click on “Add Participant” button to save your form and Participating the ILC.

  3. Now you can see your name and information in Participants Tab as shown below:


User can Edit his Information by clicking on Edit button as shown below

Edit button only Available in the Schedule Stage and Status is In Progress.