21.6 - Brands Management

GCC Standardization Organization | e-Services Documentation

21.6 - Brands Management

This update was released to production on 29th April 2021

Brands, Commercial Name, and Type Division

  • A new page for the listing of Brands is available. A manufacturer can see all the brands available in the system. For their brands, they can see the number of certificates as well.

  • Introduction of the new field Brand12 and Commercial Name12 to record the brand name and commercial name equivalent in 12 characters which will be updated by the GSO Officer

  • Allow GSO officer to update the brand, commercial name, and type division. Any changes done will not affect the existing certificates and will be reflected in the new certificates created after the changes.

  • The confirmation of new Brand, Commercial Names, and Type Division will now be done by the GSO Officer.